Monterey License Attorney


Professional License Defense Attorney

Most jobs in California require a professional license. Examples include insurance brokers, real estate agents, dentists, nurses, doctors, accountants, and lawyers. You need years of study, examinations, and continuing education to acquire a professional license. Local and state agencies will revoke or suspend your license if you engage in acts of misconduct. Losing your professional license could affect you in many ways, not just your ability to pursue your career. A suspended or revoked license is a public record, making it hard for you to land a new job. A revoked or suspended license could also affect your relationship, especially regarding child custody and adoption. Depending on the circumstances of your case, you could even find yourself in the newspapers. This will embarrass you and your family.

We Will Protect Your Professional License

No matter the offense you commit or the professional license at stake, our attorneys can help. Nobody can protect your professional license better. Given your immense hard work and commitment to acquiring your professional license, you should never let it go without a fight. Monterey License Attorney is the go-to firm for professional and occupational license defense. You can always count on us when your professional license needs protection. 

Professional License Defense Attorney

You could face detrimental and long-lasting consequences if you have a criminal allegation against you, whether for possessing a controlled substance, DUI, or any other crime. Your license is valuable. You should not give up on it quickly. The fate of your license depends on the retention of your professional license. The consequences can be detrimental when a criminal charge or conviction threatens this license.

We have helped many experts defend their professional licenses at the Monterey License Attorney. We understand how hard you have worked to obtain licensing in your field of study. Besides securing the relevant educational background and practical experience, we know you have also undergone the lengthy license application process. Applying for a professional license involves intense paperwork, state-administered examinations, and high fees. You must then renew your professional license periodically by paying an additional fee. Perhaps you hold more than one professional license, making the loss of your license even more detrimental. We have the necessary skills and resources to defend your professional license.

A single mistake can jeopardize your professional license, despite the many years of hard work and expenses it takes to acquire it. Perhaps you did not even commit the alleged crime. You could be a victim of false accusations. Even in this case, you can still lose your license unless you convince the court that you did not commit the crime.

Our experienced attorneys at the Monterey License Attorney understand what is at stake when your professional license is at risk. We have in-depth knowledge of California licensing laws. We have helped many clients defend their professional licenses. We will guide you through the license defense process. Our attorneys are not intimidated by the prosecution or heated court battles. We will fight for you until the end. Our vast experience helps us understand the inner workings of California court processes. We can defend licenses for a wide range of professions. We are always here for you, ready to assist you when you need us the most.

Our Attorney

Our attorney, Negin Yamini, has helped many professionals defend their professional licenses with exemplary results. Ms. Yamini often represents nurses, doctors, physical therapists and other professionals in different fields. She is a trial attorney by training and is not intimidated by the court process. She will create an aggressive defense to suit your unique circumstances. Negin has an unmatched reputation among different licensing boards in California as a zealous advocate who will do everything possible to defend her clients’ rights. Some of her accomplishments include:

  • Dismissal of accusation of sexual assault against an optometrist.
  • Helped a daycare operator and owner have 28 counts of child abuse and battery dismissed.
  • Attaining probation for a respiratory therapist whose license was at a risk of revocation.

These are just a few examples. Negin is always available to discuss her past experience and how she can help with your case.

Contact us today for a free, no-obligation consultation with our attorney. We are available 24/7.

Medical Board License Attorney

Our attorneys can defend your medical license:

  • Occupational Therapy License Defense.
  • Dentist Boar License Defense.
  • Chiropractic Board License Defense.
  • Acupuncturist Board License Defense.
  • Pharmacist and Pharmacy Technician Board License Defense.
  • Paramedic or Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) Board License Defense.
  • Osteopathic Board License Defense.
  • Psychology Board License Defense.
  • Podiatrist Board License Defense.
  • Physician or Surgeon Board License Defense.
  • Nursing Board License Defense.
  • Speech Therapists, Speech Language Pathologists Board License Defense.
  • Respiratory Board License Defense.
  • Vocational Nurse or Psychiatric Technician License Defense.

Our license attorneys can also defend your professional license:

  • Certified Public Accountant Board License Defense.
  • Contractor and General Contractor Board License Defense.
  • Behavioral Science Board License Defense.
  • Architect Board License Defense.
  • Veterinary Board License Defense.
  • Real Estate Board License Defense.
  • Landscape Architect Board License Defense.
  • Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, and Geologists Board License Defense.

California Office Of Administrative Hearings

The California Office of Administrative Hearings, abbreviated as OAH, holds hearings in the following locations:

  • Orange County.
  • Oakland (OAH Court Location).
  • Los Angeles (OAH Court Location).
  • Fresno.
  • Bakersfield.
  • San Francisco.
  • Ventura.
  • San Jose.
  • San Bernardino.
  • Riverside.
  • San Diego (OAH Court Location).
  • Sacramento (OAH Court Location).

Reasons Why You Can Lose Your Professional License

There are several reasons why you can lose your professional license in California. Some causes do not result from misconduct on the job. For example, you could lose your professional license because of drunk driving and other criminal acts. Engaging in illegal activities after work hours or when you are "off the clock" can lead to a revoked or suspended license, probation terms, and other restrictions. A felony conviction is particularly problematic. If you hold a professional license, you should contact an experienced attorney immediately when you learn that the police are investigating you for a crime.

Besides committing a crime while off-duty, here are some other reasons why you can lose your professional license:

  • Supplying false information or omitting some information on professional paperwork. For example, you can do this when applying for an original license, on a license renewal form, or on other paperwork you handle during your job. Even if you accidentally omitted or submitted incorrect information, licensing bodies take these errors seriously.
  • If you have a professional license discipline in another state, California could take action against you, depending on the laws that allow licensing bodies to take action for out-of-state disciplines.
  • Failing to pay child support when the court orders you to do so.
  • Mismanaging money, property, or paperwork on behalf of customers, clients, patients, or students.
  • Failing to pay local, state, and federal taxes as the law requires.
  • Having an improper sexual, romantic, or financial relationship with clients, patients, or students.
  • Cheating on a professional examination or having another person take a vocational licensing examination on your behalf.
  • Failing to perform your duties according to the standard of care results in regular acts of negligence or incompetence.


How Can We Help?

How Our Attorneys Can Help

At Monterey License Attorney, we are committed to defending our clients' professional licenses and rights. We have unmatched experience in defending professional licenses. Our attorneys can help, no matter the type of license involved:

Understanding PC 23

According to California Penal Code 23, the agency that granted you a professional license can appear in court and issue evidence against you if you face criminal charges. The licensing agency is often involved when you face an alcohol- or drug-related allegation or issues regarding medical malpractice. The presiding judge can order the licensing agency to appear before the court. When the licensing board members appear in court, they can recommend detrimental actions like revocation or suspension of your license or other disciplinary actions. During the PC 23 hearing, you need a reliable attorney. Your attorney will counterbalance the evidence brought against you.

Licensing Board Investigations

A licensing board or state agency can initiate an investigation against you upon suspecting that you have violated the law or the code of ethics associated with your profession. The investigations could result in citations, fines, and the filing of a formal accusation. Your details could be posted online, affecting your ability to obtain clients in the future. At the Monterey License Attorney, we will be with you during the investigation process and do everything possible to prevent a formal accusation from being filed. We will advise you on how to avoid self-incriminating yourself during the investigation process.

Formal Accusation Defense

You should contact an attorney immediately after receiving a notice of an accusation being brought against you. A formal accusation could lead to professional discipline or the suspension of your license. There will be an applicable time limit before your license runs out. You must act within this limit. Otherwise, you will forfeit your right to defend your professional license.

After a criminal conviction, a formal accusation can be filed, alleging that you violated the law in a way that relates to your profession. Our experienced attorneys at the Monterey License Attorney will not waste time filing a Notice of Defense. We will examine the evidence against you and formulate the best defense strategy to fight your charges. We will try to convince the court that the evidence against you is weak and negotiate for a suitable settlement. If your case proceeds to the administrative hearing, we will represent you at the hearing and fight for an acquittal.

Appeals and Writs Of Mandamus

Sometimes, the state licensing agency can refuse to issue you a professional license. The agency can also ignore your request, suspend your license, or take disciplinary action against you. You can always appeal the agency's decision. You have to submit writs of mandamus to avail yourself of the opportunity to file an appeal. You must submit the relevant paperwork as the law requires and within the set time limits. At the Monterey License Attorney, we can help you file an appeal efficiently.

Fighting A Citation

When the licensing agency gives you a citation or requires you to pay a fine for violating the law, you can ignore it because your license is still intact. However, the citation will go into your record, and if you face legal charges later on, it could worsen things. Our attorneys can help you avoid a citation or have it removed from your criminal record.

Defending Against Interim Suspensions

An interim suspension order can be issued against you when the licensing agency is investigating you or when a criminal investigation is ongoing. Our attorneys will negotiate to remove these interim suspensions to enable you to continue your practice uninterrupted.

Appealing a License Denial

If you face a denial during the initial license application, our lawyers at Monterey Criminal Attorney can help. We will help you gather all the necessary information to prove you are eligible for licensing. We will also correct any technical issues hindering the speedy approval of your license. If the agency turns down your license application, we will identify the issues highlighted by the agency and find ways around them until your application is approved.

License Reinstatement

Our attorneys at Monterey License Attorney will help you through the process of having your license reinstated if you have already lost it through an administrative process. We can petition for a reduction of the disciplinary action against you to reduce the applicable penalties.