Monterey License Attorney


Acupuncturist License

Acupuncture is a highly specialized area of alternative therapy. To acquire licensing in acupuncture, you must endure hours of training and spend significant money. You should not let a single accusation destroy what you have worked for all these years. Our Attorneys at Monterey License Attorney will liaise with The Acupuncture Board of California on your behalf.

Even if you committed a crime or made a mistake, we would negotiate with the board to let you retain your professional license. We will not leave any stone unturned until we find mitigating evidence to present during the administrative hearing.

Our attorneys will be with you from the investigation stage through the administrative hearing, the appeal process, and any other stage of defending your professional license. It does not matter whether you want a citation removed from your record or are filing a petition to reinstate your license. You can count on our unwavering support at every step.

How Can We Help?