Monterey License Attorney


College Disciplinary and Title IX Proceedings

 If you are a student facing charges of school misconduct, you'll be obligated to appear at a disciplinary hearing. There is a lot at stake for these students, thus you or a loved one should get legal representation throughout the entire school disciplinary process as soon as possible. If the verdict is unfavorable, your lawyer can file a motion to review the case in favor of the student. We at Monterey License Attorney have the expertise and knowledge in defending students and faculty in college disciplinary hearings and Title IX cases.

Understanding Title IX Proceedings and College Disciplinary

Discrimination based on an individual's gender is illegal in colleges, universities, and high schools thanks to Title IX of the Education Amendments. These are mainly institutions of learning that receive funding from the federal government. While Title IX appears to be a short law, recommendations by the United States Supreme Court and the Department of Education decisions provide a wide range that includes sexual harassment and sexual violence.

According to the law, all educational institutions must take swift action to probe reports of sexual assault and harassment against individuals on the school's premises Failing to take action and address hostile situations in the institution's premises could lead to the educational institution losing their federal funding.

The administration of disciplinary measures comes due to wrongdoing within the school's premises. Such misconduct can include sexual assault, drug sales or usage, cheating, stealing, bullying, and hazing. Individuals found guilty of violating the institution's rules risk facing harsh punishments such as probation, suspension, and expulsion. Probation punishment may include restitution, community service, and counseling.

Other potential repercussions include scolding, rebuke, or getting a warning. A guilty verdict can also lead to stigma and reputational damage. These punishments will be recorded on the student's file, could come into play in future disciplinary proceedings, and will impact the student's ability to relocate to another educational institution if necessary.

School disciplinary hearings are not the same as courtroom hearings. While courtroom hearings are held and resolved by magistrates with substantial legal knowledge and expertise, school disciplinary proceedings involve college administrators who lack forensic expertise and investigative training in analyzing evidence.

As a result, school administrators often make unreasonable, arbitrary, and biased choices that can jeopardize a student's chance of graduating or pursuing their professional and career aspirations. A trained lawyer can help students preserve their standing and future ambitions by representing them in school disciplinary hearings.

Sexual Accusations

Sexual assault cases can have serious negative effects on a student. The government constantly pressurizes colleges and institutions to undertake Title IX investigations and enforce punishments on students alleged of committing sexual misconduct. Mostly, the tension comes from the possibility of losing funding from the federal government if they do not comply with Title 9.

Sexual misconduct represents a serious crime that requires legal expertise as well as forensic training. Nonetheless, college administrators without forensic expertise prosecute, investigate, and rule on Title IX proceedings. This implies that the verdict relies on the least standard of evidence which is unjust and opens the door for an individual to be convicted of sexual assault. Students might face serious consequences for a simple charge.

Penalties could include registering as a sex offender and perhaps a jail term. If a student is found guilty through the disciplinary process, he or she could be subjected to criminal charges. As a result, students must adhere to their constitutional right against incriminating themselves. This entails refraining from making contradictory comments.

In a sexual assault proceeding, the question of whether the purported misconduct took place outside campus grounds or if the defendant had the victim's consent is always raised. Every university and college interprets consent differently. However, using common sense, you can tell whether it's far more compared to what you’d believe it is.

For example, one university can describe consent as "an affirmative, conscious decision by all participants to take part in a sexual act." In this situation, the verdict is reached through mutually intelligible communication that includes understandable actions and/or words that demonstrate an unmistakable readiness to participate in sexual activities.

Passivity, not actively responding, not resisting, and silence don't count as consent. Additionally, both individuals must express their intent to act consistently and have a mutual agreement on the purpose, nature, and extent of the action.

The Disciplinary Process

Although universities and colleges are free to design their disciplinary procedures, they have to comply with federal rules. The overall guideline in all Title IX cases is that the system has to be timely, dependable, adequate, and unbiased, with equal chances for each party to submit evidence and witnesses.

In most institutions, a Title IX complaint has to be examined within sixty days of filing. However, if a witness is unavailable for whatever reason, the time limit could be extended. After being notified of the complaint, the accused should reach out to the Title IX investigators to go over the case and evaluate the allegations. At this point, the student has the option of speaking with a counsel, who can't speak on the defendant's behalf.

The complaints and any proof submitted by the reporting student would be evaluated during the investigation. An evaluation of the accused's arguments and inquiries into the reporting party will follow. The next step is to go over the final investigative report, which includes a summary of all the evidence presented.

The report serves to establish whether or not the purported violations occurred. If an educational institution believes you are guilty of a crime, the case will be referred to law enforcement, who will launch a criminal investigation, which normally entails a pretextual phone call from the victim to the person being accused. The law enforcement officers will listen in on the phone conversation and record it. Once the law enforcement agencies wrap up their investigation, you'll be advised of the next steps.

While criminal prosecutions in court require the prosecutor to demonstrate proof beyond any reasonable doubt, a Title IX investigator simply offers proof based on a "preponderance of evidence" threshold. This implies that if the hearing board is 50.01% persuaded that the claims are true, you'll lose the case. Following the filing of the determination and final report, submissions are presented to the Title IX investigator, who is anticipated to propose a penalty.

The investigation report is also delivered separately to both the victim and accused students through email. Class exclusion, probation (including community service, counseling, and restitution), warning, expulsion, deferred suspension for a year, semester, or longer, and removal from a group or school housing are all possible consequences.

Title IX Rights

Title IX provides students and staff members with numerous rights, including the prohibition of unlawful retribution, gender discrimination, and sexual harassment. Discrimination based on gender can occur against transgender people, as well as females and males. Furthermore, Title IX Section a8 of the law protects learners who are parenting. This means that if an educational institution offers father-son services or programs to pupils or staff members, it should also offer mother-daughter programs.

The legislation makes it illegal to have any kind of negative effect, like discrimination or harassment, as a result of an allegation. Examples of illegal retaliatory treatment include:

  • Expulsion or suspension from an institution or program.
  • Denial of participation in athletics, reassignment to less desirable positions on a sports team, or reducing the time spent participating in sports.
  • Grade reduction in educational courses.
  • Harassment on the sports field or in school.

FAQs on Title IX

The following are some frequently asked questions about Title IX.

Who Is Eligible To File A Title IX Claim?

Any student enrolled at an academic institution of higher learning. The allegations may be investigated once the reporting student graduates or leaves university or college. Title IX claims can be filed against any member of staff, a student, a lecturer, or a student’s club.

How Long Can The Case Be Filed After The Incident?

The law requires reports to be submitted within a year following the situation. However, if the alleged student claims that they've been physically engaged in the behavior after being alerted, the victim would be granted immunity, whereas the alleged student will not. 

What Should You Do If You Receive Notice of A Title 9 Case That Has Been Issued Against You?

You should begin by comprehending the legal section you're in. You should also familiarize yourself with the specific rules at your school, as this will determine the responsibilities of both the defendant and the educational institution. A Title 9 guidebook can be found by carrying out an online search for a Title 9 guidebook and the institution's name. It is also crucial that you consult with a lawyer who is well-versed in Title 9 cases.

Can I Appeal the Verdict?

Yes, you can, but only on three grounds. Either the investigator's findings were erroneous, the punishment was not under the act, or there's newly discovered material supporting a different decision that was not accessible or known about during the investigation. An appeal has to be lodged within five to ten days of the penalty being imposed on the accused individual. If the appeal is successful, the punishment can be amended. If no appeal is lodged, the ruling becomes final.

How a Defense Lawyer Can Help

Title IX proceedings require competent legal counsel, especially in light of the possibility of criminal allegations and punishments. You may require legal counsel for the following reasons:


Title 9 disciplinary proceedings are complicated, and individuals facing charges of misconduct could get overwhelmed if they are not guided. Although you might be given access to a 'Title IX advisor' who is well versed in Title IX-related issues, you should keep in mind that they work for the institution, and are subject to bias, anything they hear you say to them could be exploited against you in a Title IX case or even in a court of law. Therefore, refrain from discussing any issues with your advisor. You could be guaranteed that any information you share with your defense attorney would be kept private and confidential.

Advising and Defending

Your institution's Title 9 policy might fail to meet the federal government's fairness standard. Even if you are capable of reading and comprehending the rules in general, you likely have no idea how to cope with the policy's unfairness. The specifications of private and public educational institutions differ.

If the institution’s policy is inherently unjust or the procedure itself proves to be unfair, your attorney could file a lawsuit against the institution in question. This is accomplished by submitting a "litigation hold" note to the college or university. Your lawyer can use this technique to prevent the institution from disciplining or investigating you.

Prepare for Legal Battle

A defense lawyer can help you prepare for the probe and hearings. For example, the person who oversees a Title IX case in school would request you to stop by and submit a statement. The statement can be manipulated against you without your knowledge. If you're stranded and wondering what you can do next, contact a Title IX defense lawyer who can assist you in preparing to defend yourself without making incriminating remarks.

The lawyer will go over the specifics of the allegations with you to ensure that you comprehend what you're up against. If you’re not fully filled with the institution's policies, a lawyer can help you in comprehending what Title IX proceedings entail. While a lawyer will not defend you during disciplinary hearings, he or she can assist you in developing a plan and preparing your case, including gathering proof, witnesses, and statements from witnesses. Throughout the Title IX proceedings, your lawyer will serve as your advisor in law.

 Find a Professional License Attorney Near Me

Our team at Monterey License Attorney is well-versed in the political and social developments and trends associated with the educational institution's disciplinary systems. Our Monterey attorneys are committed to advising and representing students accused of Title IX violations. You have confidence that your case will be handled effectively and thoroughly due to our vast background in Title IX cases. We will not allow unfair and unlawful investigations that deprive accused individuals of their rights.

As legal professionals, we strongly uphold the values of openness, transparency, and impartiality in the judicial process. We will assist you in defending your rights and freedoms. Call us now at 831-296-1191 to schedule your appointment.


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