Monterey License Attorney


Dentists, Dental Hygienists, and Dental Assistants License

You must have a professional license to operate as a dentist, dental assistant, or dental hygienist in California. Contact our attorneys at Monterey Criminal Attorney if you learn that the Dental Board of California or the Dental Hygiene Committee is investigating you based on professional malpractice or an accusation of a criminal offense.

The following factors can lead to the issuance of a citation, a board-initiated investigation, or the revocation of your dental professional license in California:

  • Recklessness or negligence.
  • Unprofessionalism.
  • Sub-standard quality of care.
  • Faulty record keeping.
  • Sexual harassment, and
  • Insurance fraud.

With the help of an experienced insurance attorney, you can counteract these allegations. Our attorneys at Monterey License Attorney understand how the Dental Board of California works. We will put our expertise and experience to work for you to save your reputation and professional license.

How Can We Help?